
Monday, October 22, 2007

the last chapter.
an epilogue technically
isn't a chapter, but the title just had a ring to it that i couldn't backspace. the fi3 trip began with a series of fund raisers, all named after book sections.

lets recap:
fund raiser 1: preface.
fund raiser 2: postface. (k, this isn't a book section. but it should be)
fund raiser 3: table of contents. (it was a yard sale har har har)
next weekend: epilogue.

epilogue isn't a fund raiser. it's more of a recap + thank you. i made this on the weekend out of old books + photos i took while in india:

the trip is nearly done. officially. having referenced books so often now makes perfect sense in my brain. it's been a real journey. a story.

ps. thank you for supporting me + fi3. i love you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the alchemy index vol. I & II
my favourite band of all time (thrice) took on the task of creating a 4-disc album called "the alchemy index". the individual discs are influenced by fire, water, earth and air. fire and water was released today as a double disc album. it's AMAZING! fire is really heavy (think older thrice that has past that awkward puberty stage). water is ambient (think radiohead making out with sigur ros and asking dustin kensrue to sing along while it happens). it's amazing. and the lyrics are more honest, beautiful and truth-filled than anything MTV will ever feed you (or anything you're currently listening to...seriously). sample the entire 2 discs here while you still can (fire is the first 6 tracks, water is the next 6 tracks).

kansas city shuffle
are my friends. i made this for them (logo + sampler package):

this is a free sampler to their upcoming album "sailboats and helicopters". you can sample it here.

Friday, October 05, 2007

i once wrote love on your hand.
every summer i plan on doing a few personal creative projects. i rarely get around to doing them. this summer while i was in yellowknife i actually finished a few. here is one of the projects i made for someone i love.,

Monday, October 01, 2007

always love.
know yourself.
live more. love more. live intensely. love intensely. live passionately. love passionately. live intentionally. love intentionally. live to love. live by love. live life as a gift. love that gift. but give it away. for free. expect nothing. hate no one. love everyone. love the world. change the world.

and if we start here, if we start now, we’ll never have to worry that we’ve been passively floating through our lives, wondering what happened to the last 10 years.